Who doesn’t love a good freebie and a peek behind the scenes of someone’s favourite tools? Jenni Schanschieff has you covered with both!

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super useful things I recommend for entrepreneurs

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client & project management tools



I legit spend about 80% less time faffing with client admin because of this magic system.
Save 20% with code 9999.



This is a powerful project management tool. Use it for To-Do lists, delegating social media posts to your VA or managing a client project.


Email Marketing Providers



This is a great email marketing platform as it’s so easy to use. You get free landing pages, plus the automation to go with them.

Convertkit - Email Marketing for Women with service based businesses


Seems to be the platform of choice for people wanting to level up their business!


Course Platforms & Carts



Learn or Learn+ is through ThriveCart and a great place to host your courses or digital products! I use this for my Dubsado group programme modules for clients only as well as selling an online course to the masses.


I sell my digital product through Thrivecart and run an affiliate programme for these through this shopping cart software. Awesome!



This is a great place for starting a membership site or course; upload your videos and away you go!
I don’t use this, but have loads of clients who do use it and are happy with it.


peeps i’ve bought from (and appreciate)

Leonie Dawson

Swears like a trooper, says it like it is, works 10 hours a week and makes loads of wonga…what’s not to love? Courses around marketing off social media, working less hours for more money, creating online courses.

Elizabeth Goddard

I started my affiliate marketing journey with Lizzy’s course, she’s multi-passionate and doesn’t let that stop her from making six-figures when everyone else is saying 'focus on one thing’. Straight talker which I appreciate!

Liz Wilcox

I’m in Liz’s email marketing membership. It’s only $10 a month and for me is a great starting point for ideas for weekly emails.
If you’re starting out with email marketing, highly recommend!

Danii from Brand Inspire - Branding for coaches and consultants who are multi-passionate

Danii @
Brand Inspire

Danii did my branding. It’s freakin awesome and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her service. Branding is such a personal experience and she treated it with such care, empathy and attention - love it!

Optimus Coach Academy

The company I used to become an ICF accredited Coach with modules in Somatics, Neuroscience, Transactional Analysis, Positive Psychology, DISC and more - hands down one of the best experiences of my life!

Gemma Gilbert - Business & Marketing Coach for women with group programmes

Gemma Gilbert

Gemma is a business coach who runs the Today Not Tomorrow Membership - a portal with loads of trainings and a private Facebook group, all available for a one off payment - great for those starting out in business!


Random Stuff



Keeps my passwords safe and never have to remember what they are as it does it for me! Total must!.



Not a system but liiiiiife-changing - someone in my family uses it errryday, even the kids!
For £100 off accessories, click below.


Momentum Chrome Extension

Accountability - when you go to browse social media, it’s like a slap in the face that says ‘get back to work bitch’. Stunning photos too!