Empowering Women Leaders: The Key Role of Interoception


As a Self-Aware Woman Leader, you’re likely aware of the external challenges that comes as a woman in your position — navigating workplace dynamics, managing teams, and getting results (in addition to all the other hectic life stuff – aging parents, young kids, pets, social life, book club, extra-curricular activities and of course the non-stop group messaging for parents!).

But what about the internal landscape? How often do you tune into your body’s signals, understand what’s going on so that you can connect with your deepest sense of self? These internal processes, often overlooked, are foundational to leading with confidence and authenticity.

What is Interoception?

Interoception is your body’s ability to sense its internal state. It’s the awareness of signals from within—like your heartbeat, breath, hunger, or the butterflies in your stomach before a big presentation. Interoception plays a crucial role in how you experience emotions, manage stress, and make decisions.

For women leaders, honing interoceptive awareness can be a game-changer. It’s not just about noticing what’s happening inside; it’s about interpreting these signals accurately and responding to them in ways that align with how you want to be as a leader. To your team, to your kids, to the world.

It's common to feel ‘something’ in our bodies before, during or after something that’s taken us out of our comfort zone. It might be that we can’t pin point exactly what you’re feeling and so our brain looks to make meaning of this ‘something’ inside of us.

Sometimes it’s things like ‘You don’t know enough to present this to the board’ or ‘You’re asking too for too much of a pay rise’ or ‘You need to say yes to this to prove you’re worth it’.

This is where knowing about interoception and how it relates to your nervous system can help you quash these thoughts so that you’re not acting from a place of fear or self-doubt.


Why Your Nervous System Matters

Your nervous system is the command centre of your body, constantly responding to internal and external stimuli. It operates in different ways when you experience stress or a challenging moment (such as going out of your comfort zone) and you’ll either move into a survival-led state of fight, flight, freeze or fawn (people pleasing).

When you’re aware of your nervous system’s state, you gain insight into how stress, anxiety, and external pressures affect you. Often we have patterns that have been deeply embedded since childhood and are used over and over. More importantly, you can develop strategies to regulate these states, allowing you to respond to challenges with clarity rather than reacting impulsively and from survival-led place.

Understanding and managing your nervous system enables you to remain calm under pressure, communicate effectively, and lead with poise. This awareness is not only essential for your well-being but also for the well-being of your team (or family!). A regulated leader can create a stable and supportive environment, fostering trust and productivity.


Using Self-leadership

The concept of “Self” in IFS is akin to the “Sage” in Positive Intelligence (of which I am a coach). Self represents your core essence—the calm, confident, courageous and compassionate part of you that can stay present, no matter the circumstances. Leading from Self is distinctly different from leading from the many other parts of you that may be driven by fear, anger, or insecurity.

When you lead from Self, you’re not reacting from a place of anxiety or stress. Instead, you’re grounded, regulated, clear-headed, and aligned with your values. This state allows you to respond to challenges with wisdom and empathy, making decisions that reflect your true leadership potential.

How to Cultivate Interoception and Lead from Self

  1. Practice Orientation: Regular orientation practices, such as meditation or breathwork and focussing on your senses, can help you become more attuned to your body’s signals and your nervous system’s state.

  2. Body Scans: A body scan is a simple yet powerful practice where you mentally scan your body from head to toe, noticing any sensations without judgment. This practice enhances interoceptive awareness and helps you connect with your physical self.

  3. Self-Inquiry: Regularly ask yourself questions like, “How am I feeling right now?” or “What does my body need?”. This practice fosters a deeper connection with your internal state and supports leading from Self.

  4. Conscious movement: Taking time for moving with a real awareness of how all the muscles in your body are experiencing this movement and getting curious about how moving something a millimetre affects the sensations allows you to be present and connect with your Self energy, enabling you to access your inner wisdom and lead with greater clarity and purpose.

The Impact on Your Leadership

When you combine interoceptive awareness with an understanding of your nervous system and knowledge of your self-led behaviours, you’re not just managing stress; you’re transforming how you lead. By cultivating these practices, you develop the ability to stay centred in your Self, making decisions from a place of confidence and compassion.

In a world where women leaders often face unique challenges, leading from Self isn’t just a strategy—it’s a necessity. It empowers you to navigate the complexities of leadership with grace, ensuring that your decisions and actions are aligned with your true values and vision.

By embracing the power of interoception and your nervous system, you can step into your full potential as a leader—grounded, confident, and ready to inspire others from a place of authenticity and strength.

If you need support in getting started with learning and accessing more of your Self, check out my programme ‘Authentic & Confident Self Leader’.


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